African American
Historic Preservation

Through the development of a Preservation Toolkit, the WeGOJA Foundation will help a growing number of organizations meet their preservation goals for African American history. The preservation toolkit will be a one-stop shop of interactive resources and information for property owners, practitioners, and preservationists, especially newly enthusiastic local activists.

Home Page Collage

Preservation Topics

I Want To Learn About

Go deeper and gain valuable knowledge, tools and insights around preservation topics that interest you.
Your first and best stop to learn about African American preservation and how to move your effort forward.


Explore topics, techniques and knowledge around preserving cemeteries.

Oral Histories

Oral Histories

Explore the most common form of preservation. Hear stories and learn how to protect and preserve your family’s oral history.


African American Schools

Start your journey to explore and celebrate african american through preservation of Rosenwald schools, Equalization schools and HBCUs


African American Churches

One of the bedrocks of African American cultural life and heritage. Discover stories, profiles and practical tips to preserve and protect African American churches.


Museums / Artifacts

Explore the rich cultural heritage provided through museums and historic artifacts. Gain valuable knowledge and direction in your journey to preserve your family or community’s artifacts.



Learn how to explore and uncover your family’s history and story with tools, tips and approaches that will help you start your genealogical journey.

Community Connections

Neighborhoods & Communities

African American neighborhoods and communities are the cultural heartbeat of our way of life. Learn about settlement sites, development, gentrification and how you can preserve and protect your historic neighborhood or community.
Public Buildings

African American Public Buildings

Preserving historically significant african american buildings is complex and nuanced. Gain insights, direction and inspiration through this topic.

Sign Up For Our Newsletter

Get the latest WeGoja news, African American historic preservation updates and knowledge and guidance for preservationists delivered right to your inbox. easoned preservationists and activists move their projects and passions forward.

Preservation Experts

Preservation Experts

Build your team and tap into our network of preservation experts from across the state covering a range of disciplines and projects.

Grants & Funding

Grants & Funding

May your harvest be bountiful.  Every project needs resources to grow.  Explore our database of over X organizations that provide financial assistance for preservation efforts.

How To Guides

How To Guides

Helpful guides to help educate aspiring preservationists walk through the process of preserving or exploring a particular facet of african american cultural/heritage preservation.

Rules, Regulations & Requirements

Rules, Regulations & Requirements

Knowledge is power! Explore the federal , state and local regulations that govern historic preservation so you can navigate your way to success.

Preservation Projects

Preservation Projects

Explore the hard work of preservationists across the state to protect, celebrate and preserve African American culture and history with our interactive map.


Help With Advocacy

Help us protect, preserve and celebrate African American history by advocating today.  Connect with your federal, state and local officials. 

Community Connections

Community & Connections

“Netiwoki” is Yoruba for network.  Join SC’s fastest growing community of preservationists, activists and advocates to make connections and strengthen the movement.

News & Notes

How To Use

We wanted to make the Toolkit useful and easy to navigate for both beginners and seasoned preservationists. That’s why we developed two easy ways to explore the resources and tools.

Search by preservation topic

Do you know what you want to preserve, but not sure where to start? Are you a beginner preservationist? Click on a specific preservation topic to learn more. Each of these pages curates all of the resources we have on that topic in one easy place to access.

Search by specific Tool

Are you already familiar with preservation and know what you need help with? Click on specific Tool icons to go straight to the Tool you need quickly.