Advocacy Resources for African American Preservation in South Carolina
Become An Advocate for Preservation

About This Resource
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Who represents you at the Federal level? Who was elected to fight for your interests? Who can amplify your voice and help your story and message heard by lawmakers? Explore your federal representatives based on your address.
Your state executive, legislative and judicial branches were elected to represent the interests of the citizens of South Carolina and can be powerful supporters for African American preservation laws, policies and practices. Reach out to your elected official today.
From zoning to school districts, Financial incentives to tax credits…your local city and county elected officials greatly influence what happens with African American and historic preservation efforts in the place you call home. Get to know the people governing your community.
Looking for Funding?
Preservation requires capital and resources.
Explore our database of over nearly 100 organizations that provide grants, tax credits and financial assistance for preservation efforts.