African American Preservation News in South Carolina
News & Notes in Preservation
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How They Did It: Identifying and Documenting African American Cemeteries in Cayce, SC
Discover how the city of Cayce leveraged grants funds and worked with community members to complete a survey of historic African American cemeteries that represent a key part of the city’s history and legacy.
Restoring the Union Community Hospital for the Present and Future
Restoring a 16,000 sq ft historic structure takes partners, paitence, and funding. The Union Community Hospital in Union, SC is one of the only remaining Black hospitals in SC that is still standing.
Cynthia Gibbs: A Passionate Advocate for Taveau Church Restoration
Discover more about how the Taveau Legacy Committee, led by advocate Cynthia Gibbs, is working with partners to restore Taveau Church in Cordesville, SC.
Demystifying Revolving Funds
What is a revolving fund project? How can this funding and restoration model help my preservation project? Find out more in this article!
Preserving Tenant House Sites is Corrective Justice at Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site
What does it look like to preserve the legacy of tenant house sites as a crucial piece of plantation history? Find out more about how Rose Hill State Historic Site has documented and preserved these unique sites.
Dr. Larry Watson: A Pioneer in South Carolina Black History Research and Preservation
Learn more about Dr. Larry Watson's journey in the field of African American history and how historic preservation has changed and shifted over time.
The State Review Board – A Critical Step For Achieving National Register Designation
All nominations for the National Register must first be reviewed by a state panel to make sure it meets requirements. Discover more about this process from Brad Sauls, the supervisor of the National Register program at the State Historic Preservation Office.
How They Did It: Identifying and Documenting African American Cemeteries in Cayce, SC
Discover how the city of Cayce leveraged grants funds and worked with community members to complete a survey of historic African American cemeteries that represent a key part of the city's history and legacy.
Tips for Researching Your Historic African American Church
Learn 10 practical tips for how to research the history of your African American church.
Tips for Historic Church Preservation with Corinth Baptist Church
Learn how to document, maintain, and honor African American cemeteries in South Carolina with these top 10 essential tips. Explore now!
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