SC Preservation Professionals Database

Welcome to The SC Preservation Professionals Database!  If you are a preservation professional interested in expanding your professional network, serving as a resource for preservation projects across the state and helping us expand our mission of preserving and protecting African American heritage across the state, please continue below. This Database will be featured as a part of the SC Preservation Toolkit being developed by WeGOJA Foundation.

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Are you able/available to work statewide?
If No, what is your geographic service area?
Click all that apply.
In 50 words or less please share your skills/experience/expertise.
Professional Capabilities
Please choose skills/capabilities with which you have expertise and experience (check all that apply)
Professional Category
Please select the professional categories that you best identify with (click all that apply)
Areas of Expertise
Please indicate all of the preservation topics with which you have experience in (click all that apply).
Is there anything else that you’d like to share about your preservation or professional interests? Is there a certain type of preservation work that you’re passionate about? A certain region of the state that you focus on?
By clicking the box below, I authorize the WeGOJA Foundation to add me to their SC Preservervation Community Distribution List (email newsletter).