City, County and State Historic Preservation Rules & Regulations in SC

Historic Preservation
Rules & Regulations

Rules, Regulations & Requirements

About This Resource

Historic Preservation can be a complex and challenging endeavor with city, county, state and even federal regulations that need to be considered. In an effort to simplify the process, we’ve developed the state’s first comprehensive list of local, state and federal regulations and requirements that govern historic preservation projects in South Carolina.
Use the search tool to explore the regulations (and resources) that govern preservation projects in your region. Search by your geographic location or by type of regulation. Learn about concepts like the design review process, zoning ordinances, historic tax credits and more. Before you start a project, find out what you need to know here.

Reg Types



Abbeville Historic District Information & Regulations

City of Abbeville has a Historic Overlay District, regulated by the City Council and Historic Properties Protection Commission. This link shows guideline questions, a zoning map, a list of minor exterior changes that can be approved by city staff, and a list of major exterior changes that are subject to the Historic Properties Protection Commission Board Review Process.

Abbeville Historic District Information and Regulations

City of Abbeville has a Historic Overlay District, regulated by the City Council and Historic Properties Protection Commission. This link shows guideline questions, a zoning map, a list of minor exterior changes that can be approved by city staff, and a list of major exterior changes that are subject to the Historic Properties Protection Commission Board Review Process.

Abbeville Historic Properties Protection Ordinance

An ordinance pertaining to the protection of historic properties and the design review process.

African American Burial Grounds Preservation Act

This federal legislation establishes an African American Burial Grounds Preservation Program within the National Park Service. The program will provide competitive grants and technical assistance to local partners to research, identify, survey and preserve African American burial grounds. The goal of the program is to preserve, save, and document African American burial grounds before construction or development threatens them.

Aiken Historic Design Review Manual

Design review manual curated by Aiken's Historic Preservation Commission.

Aiken Historic Overlay Zoning Ordinance

Ordinance detailing Aiken's Historic Overlay Districts.

Anderson Historic Overlay District

Ordinance detailing the historic overlay district, design standards, and establishment of the Board of Architectural Review.

Architectural & Appearance Design Manual

In order to preserve and enhance the rural, cultural, economic and historic character of the Town of Lexington, by providing detailed review of the design, layout, visual appearance, aesthetic character and economic value of commercial and industrial developments that have a substantial impact upon the character of the Town and upon traffic, utilities and services therein.

Ashley River Scenic District Ordinance

It is the intent of the Ashley River Scenic District I to safeguard the heritage and scenic beauty of the City of North Charleston, Charleston County, and Dorchester County by preserving the view shed of National Historic Landmarks and Properties on the National Registrar of Historic Places which have been confirmed by the South Carolina Department of Archives and History.

Beaufort Historic District Infill Design Guidelines

Principles that will be considered by the Historic Review Board for new construction within the Historic District overlay.

Beaumont Mill Village Design Guidelines

Design policies and guidelines applying to existing and new properties within Beaumont Mill Village.

Berkeley County Comprehensive Plan

See Section E: Cultural Resources Element.

Board of Architectural Review Design Guidelines for Elevating Historic Buildings

The City concluded the best policy for the long=term preservation of historic structures was to support their need to elevate to the necessary FEMA requirement. In an effort to be proactive, two workshops were held in November 2017 and March 2018 with the public, architects, engineers, contractors, and preservationists to develop a set of guidelines to ensure elevations were done as sensitively and appropriately. possible. This resulting document focuses on four key areas to guide elevation projects for historic buildings: considerations for streetscape/context, site design, foundation design, and architecture/preservation.  

Board of Architectural Review Policy Statement for Historic Materials Demolition Purview

The following guidelines were adopted regarding the repair and/or replacement of historic materials visible from the public right-of-way on structures over 50 years old in the Historic Corridor District and in the peninsula area north of Line Street and south of Mount Pleasant Street (Historic Materials Demolition Purview). The purpose of this policy statement is to provide guidance and options for homeowners while maintaining the historic and cultural significance of the City’s neighborhoods and being more sustainable by reducing waste.

Board of Architectural Review Rules of Procedure

These rules of procedure are adopted for the Town of Summerville Board of Architectural Review.

Board of Architectural Review Standards

The standards below have been adapted from the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. These basic principles were created to help preserve the distinctive character of a historic building and its site, while allowing for reasonable change to meet new needs. The Charleston Standards apply to historic buildings of all periods, styles, and types. They are intended to be applied in a reasonable manner, taking into consideration economic and technical feasibility; they are not hard and fast rules, but rather are meant to serve as principles to assist in determining appropriate treatments for historic buildings.

Building & Historic Design Requirements

The Historic Preservation Commission shall promote the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance by exercising the following powers and functions.

Capital Projects Sales Tax Act

Proceeds from the tax may be used for cultural, recreational, or historic facilities, or any combination of these facilities.

City of Barnwell Designation of Historic Structures

See (§ 4-127) for designation of historic structures.

City of Barnwell Historic Overlay District Guidelines

See § 4-126 for Historic Overlay District Guidelines.

City of Camden Design Guidelines

Design guidelines for the city of Camden.

City of Charleston Cemetery Protection Ordinance

City of Charleston law that protects known and/or suspected burial grounds, grave sites, or cemeteries. It prohibits destruction or desecration of any burial ground. It also stipulates that during any construction, development, or ground disturbing activity, if it is made known that any grave sites or suspected grave sites exist, all development must cease until approved and it is required to report to the city and historic preservation office.

City of Clinton Historical Buildings and Maintenance District Zoning Ordinance

The Historical Building and Maintenance District is an overlay district, designed and intended to promote the educational, cultural, economic, and general welfare of the community by providing a mechanism for the identification, recognition, preservation, maintenance, protection, and enhancement of existing historic and architecturally valuable structures, properties and/or districts which serve as visible reminders of the social, cultural, economic, political, and/or architectural history of the City of Clinton.

City of Darlington Historic Overlay District Zoning Ordinance

See section (3-3) for Historic Overlay District ordinance.

City of Georgetown Historic District’s Architectural Review Board

Georgetown's Architectural Review Board governs exterior changes, new construction, signage, and demolition within the city's Historic District. You must go through the ARB's Certificate of Appropriateness process to make any preservation changes within the Historic District.

City of Hartsville 2020 Comprehensive Plan

See section 8 (VIII) on Cultural and Recreational Resources.

City of Hartsville Historic Preservation Ordinance

Chapter 11 of Hartsville's zoning ordinance pertaining to historic preservation.

City of Laurens Historic Preservation Overlay District

See (Sec. 44-342) for the Historic Preservation Overlay District ordinance.

City of Marion Historical Conservation & Preservation District Ordinance

See section 302 for Historical Conservation and Preservation District.

City of Newberry 2030 Comprehensive Plan – Chapter 5

Chapter 5 of Newberry's Comprehensive Plan on Cultural Resources Element.

City of Newberry Design Review Process

Newberry's Design Review Process from 2003.

City of Seneca Design Review

See Article XII in document for Design Review.

City of Sumter Design Review Guidelines

Design review guidelines for Sumter.

City of Sumter Historical & Cultural Resources Element – 2040 Comprehensive Plan

Historical and cultural resources element of Sumter's 2040 comprehensive plan.

City of Walhalla Historic Property Designation & Design Review Ordinance

Ordinance establishing local historic property designation and design review.

City of Westminster Special Property Tax Assessment Program for Rehabilitated Historic Properties

Ordinance on special property tax assessment program for rehabilitated historic properties.

City of Williston Historic Overlay District Guidelines § 4-120 & § 4-121 Designation of Historic Structures

See § 4-120 for Historic overlay district guidelines & § 4-121 for designation of historic structures.

Coastal Zone Management Act of 1976

Section 48-39-150 of the Act, as amended, requires DHEC-OCRM to consider the "extent to which the development could affect ... irreplaceable historic and archaeological sites of South Carolina’s coastal zone" when deciding whether or not to issue a certification or permit. It covers the 8 coastal counties: Beaufort, Berkeley, Charleston, Colleton, Dorchester, Georgetown, Horry, and Jasper.

Colleton County 2030 Comprehensive Plan

See section D starting on pg. 73 for Historic and Cultural Resources.

Commercial Design Review Board Rules of Procedure

These rules of procedure are adopted for the Town of Summerville Commercial Design Review Board.

Showing 1-40 of 142 results

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