City, County and State Historic Preservation Rules & Regulations in SC

Historic Preservation
Rules & Regulations

Rules, Regulations & Requirements

About This Resource

Historic Preservation can be a complex and challenging endeavor with city, county, state and even federal regulations that need to be considered. In an effort to simplify the process, we’ve developed the state’s first comprehensive list of local, state and federal regulations and requirements that govern historic preservation projects in South Carolina.
Use the search tool to explore the regulations (and resources) that govern preservation projects in your region. Search by your geographic location or by type of regulation. Learn about concepts like the design review process, zoning ordinances, historic tax credits and more. Before you start a project, find out what you need to know here.

Reg Types



Cottontown/Bellevue Architectural Conservation District

The goal of this district and of these guidelines is to maintain and protect the structures that exemplify important parts of Columbia’s history as well as preserve, conserve, and enhance the character, function, and environment of the district. This task must be accomplished with an appreciation of the development of the district and the history that is critical to its character. These goals should not be construed as an attempt to restrict design creativity; instead, they should be interpreted as an avenue to embrace it while also encouraging appropriate designs.

Design Guidelines for Downtown Anderson

Design guidelines for Downtown Anderson from 2006.

Design Guidelines for Historic Districts in Anderson

Design guidelines for historic districts in Anderson.

Design Guidelines for the Historic Districts

This book present design guidelines for historic districts in Walterboro, South Carolina. The guidelines reflect a basic preservation philosophy to encourage the preservation and careful treatment of the historic resources within the city, while recognizing the need for the contemporary economic use of these structures. The guidelines are intended to be a means for balancing the historic qualities of existing historic structures with the demands of contemporary use.

Design Review Board Ordinance

The intent of establishing the Design Review Board and initiating design review is to enhance the Island’s character, preserve property values and protect the unique island identity of Sullivan’s Island. The Design Review process is intended to promote design that is compatible in mass and scale with existing development of the Island and in harmony with the natural environment. The process is aimed at improving and augmenting other development controls included in the Zoning Ordinance.

Design Review Board Ordinance

It shall be within the power of the Design Review Board to carry out all duties listed in division A of the ordinance. In order to accomplish said duties, the Design Review Board shall have the authority to adjust or modify the architectural and site design review standards of § 156.310(E) and (F) as deemed appropriate to the particular project and its individual circumstances.

Design/Development Review Commission Rules & Regulations

Design/development review rules and regulation for the city of Columbia.

Dillon Board of Architectural Review

The Board of Architectural Review has been established for the specific purpose of preservation and protection of Dillon's designated historic districts and properties for their unique, special or desired character by means of restrictions and conditions governing the right to erect, demolish, remove in whole or in part, alter their exterior appearance pursuant to S.C. Code §§ 6-29-710 and 6-29-870 and be appointed by the City Council.

Dillon Requirements for Creation of a Historic Mixed Use District

Due to historical development patterns, certain areas of the City are characterized by a mixture of uses such as residential and commercial uses, or residential and industrial uses, which are normally segregated under standard zoning districts. Because of the variety of circumstances which exist in different areas of the City, and the different treatment accorded those areas in the Growth Policy, it is not possible to establish a zoning district with uniform listing of uses and standards. Therefore, the historic mixed use district is intended to provide procedures and criteria for recognition of such areas.

Downtown Florence Design Guidelines

Design guidelines for downtown Florence.

Elevating Historic Buildings Ordinance

To preserve the character of designated historic properties and surrounding neighborhoods, an integrated design approach shall be taken when elevating Sullivan's Island Landmarks and Traditional Island Resources.

Elmwood Park Architectural Conservation District Guidelines

Elmwood Park was one of Columbia’s first suburbs and reflects the City’s early 20th century development, as well as national trends. Elmwood Park is situated just north of Columbia’s first northern boundary— Upper Street, today know as Elmwood Avenue. Settled predominately by Columbia’s white, middle, and business classes, Elmwood attracted residents with its proximity to downtown and the streetcar line, but with all the amenities of a “suburban retreat.” Although some lots were settled prior to the turn of the century, major settlement occurred after the first public sale of subdivided lots in the spring of 1905.

Florence County Comprehensive Plan

The Cultural Resources Element chapter of Florence County's Comprehensive Plan.

Governor’s Mansion Protection Area District Guidelines

Once the home of Columbia’s elite antebellum aristocracy, the blocks encompassed by the Governor’s Mansion Protection Area tell a polarizing story of loss and recovery. Resettled by the middle class in the wake of the Civil War, this neighborhood remained divided along class and race lines well into the 20th century, which ultimately caused its demise. Urban renewal in the late 1950s and 1960s targeted the decrepit homes in the predominately African American part of the neighborhood. What remains in this neighborhood is a precious remnant of what was once one of Columbia’s most exclusive neighborhoods.

Granby Architectural Conservation District

Design Guidelines are criteria and standards that the Design/Development Review Commission must consider in determining the appropriateness of proposed work within a historic district. The goal of this district and of these guidelines is to maintain and protect the structures that exemplify important parts of Columbia’s history as well as to preserve, conserve, and enhance the character, function, and environment of the district.

Gravesite Protection Ordinance

During any construction, development, re-development, or ground disturbing activity, if a person discovers or is otherwise put on notice of any known or probable gravesites on the subject lot the person must immediately cease any ground disturbing work and report such notice to the city building official, as well as the county coroner and the appropriate state agencies including the state historic preservation office and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.

Greenville Architectural Design Review

An interactive map to assist in determining if a property requires architectural design review.

Greenville County Preservation Ordinance

An ordinance establishing the Greenville County Historic and Natural Resources Trust to protect lands with significant natural, cultural, and/or historic resources in Greenville County, South Carolina.

Greenville Design Guidelines for Preservation Overlay Districts

Design guidelines for Greenville's Preservation Overlay Districts.

Greenwood City/County Comprehensive Plan 2035

The Cultural Resources Element of the Comprehensive Plan focuses on the history of Greenwood and how this history has affected the local population. Our cultural heritage is made up of many characteristics such as historic structures, festivals and events, and cultural groups and organizations. This element proposes to identify a number of cultural attributes and offer meaningful objectives to the enhancement, protection, and development of our cultural resources.

Hampton Heights Historic District Design Guidelines

Residential Rehabilitation guidelines to help property owners in Hampton Heights preserve the character of their historic residential buildings.

Hazardous Waste Management Facilities

The regulation stipulates that hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities will be prohibited in areas where they will “adversely impact an archaeological site as determined by the State Historic Preservation Officer and the State Archaeologist or a historic site as determined by the State Historic Preservation Officer.”

Historic and Design Districts

This section may not be construed to limit a municipality’s authority to enforce historic preservation zoning regulations consistent with the preservation of local zoning authority under 47 U.S.C. Section 332(c)(7), the requirements for facility modifications under 47 U.S.C. Section 1455(a), or the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 U.S.C. Section 300101 et seq.), and the regulations adopted to implement those laws.

Historic Conservation Overlay District Ordinance

The Historic Conservation Overlay District regulations apply in addition to the underlying zoning district. By establishing the Historic Conservation Overlay District, the Town intends to protect and preserve the historic character of the area so designated.

Historic Design Guidelines

The guidelines for Rock Hill are based upon extensive analysis and review of the types and interaction of historic buildings in the community to create a particular visual time and place. Characteristics of each building were recorded concerning size and scale, overall plan, materials, orientation, decoration, and site features. From this analysis the guidelines have been prepared to strengthen and reinforce each district's existing character.

Historic District and Structure Plan Review Application Regulations

pplications for review of plans to construct, alter, relocate, demolish, or partially demolish any structure in -H and NCH districts or a structure in any district designated as a historic structure in Division 7 of this ordinance must be filed by the owner with the Codes Administrator for consideration by the Historic Preservation Commission meeting the following requirements.

Historic District Design Guidelines

These guidelines are intended to provide a clear framework for making sure that changes to the exterior of properties within Summerville’s historic district are made appropriately and consistently. This ensures that changes to individual properties do not negatively impact surrounding properties or the overall character of the neighborhood. Maintaining a neighborhood’s historic character has social, economic, and environmental benefits beyond achieving a particular aesthetic appearance.

Historic District Map

Map of Historic Overlay District in Summerville.

Historic District Overlay Ordinance

The purpose of the historic district is to enhance, through planning and the review process, all proposed development in the city's officially designated historic district, the boundaries of which are shown as "Local Historic District" on the official zoning map of the city, and to preserve and maintain the heritage of the city.

Historic Downtown Facade Redesign Standards

The purpose of this document is to help preserve the historic character of York’s downtown by retaining historic buildings and features while ensuring that new construction and additions are compatible with their historic surroundings. Commercial properties within the York Historic District have unique features that make up its historic character. By managing changes to the exterior of properties within the historic downtown, the people of York can help to ensure that the distinct character of the district remains intact.

Historic Overlay District Map

Map of Rock Hill's Historic Overlay Districts.

Historic Overlay District Ordinance

See section 3.5 in document for ordinance.

Historic Overlay District Ordinance

The purpose of the Old Greenwood Village Historic Overlay District is to be compatible with general historic planning for the City of Greenwood in an effort to complement the character and charm of the surrounding residential neighborhoods.

Historic Overlay District Ordinance

See Chapter 4, Article 3 (4.3) for Historic Overlay District ordinance.

Historic Preservation Commission Ordinance

The Historic District preservation Commission shall oversee the Old Village Historic District and any future historic districts established by the town. The Commission shall maintain a local survey and inventory of buildings, structures, and sites. The Commission shall review the local survey and inventory and make recommendations for historic designation to the Town Council.

Historic Preservation Ordinance

The purpose of the Fort Mill Historic Preservation Ordinance is to protect, preserve, and enhance the distinctive architectural heritage of the Town of Fort Mill; to promote the educational, cultural, economic, and general welfare of the people of Fort Mill; to foster civic pride; to ensure harmonious, orderly, and efficient growth and development of the Town of Fort Mill; to strengthen the local economy; and to stabilize and improve property values

Historic Preservation Ordinance

Ordinance the establishes the Board of Architectural Review and design guidelines.

Historic Preservation Ordinance

The standards of this section are intended to safeguard the integrity of historic structures, sites, and their context and to protect public views of these resources along public rights-of-way. The standards of this section shall apply to all sites (existing and future) listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Historic Preservation Overlay District Map

Map of the historic preservation overlay district in Clover.

Historic Preservation Overlay District Ordinance

See section 2.6 in document for Historic Preservation Overlay District ordinance.

Showing 41-80 of 142 results

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