Preserving African American Churches in South Carolina

Preserving African American Churches


About This Resource

Churches and sacred spaces and are cornerstones in the fabric of African American culture and history. These sites hold space for worship and remembrance, while also historically serving as community centers for organizing, activism, education, and mutual care. Sacred places are an integral part of our cultural landscape, yet many sites have fallen into disrepair as buildings age and congregations change. These spaces are excellent candidates for historic preservation and rehabilitation.
Within this Churches topic page you will find resources curated from across the SC Preservation Toolkit related specifically to preservation of African American Churches. Whether you are new to this work or a long-time advocate, this page’s blog posts on churches, related How-To Guides, helpful resource links, and relevant Tools will help you be successful in preserving your local African American church.

Knowledge Center

How To Guides

Explore a range of best practices, tips and tricks with our handy “how to” guides before you start your preservation project.

How to Acquire a State Historical Marker

A guide to the process of applying for, reviewing, and installing a State Historical Marker for your historic space.

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How to Apply for the National Register of Historic Places

A guide to the process of preparing for, researching, writing, and the review stages for getting your historic space listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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How to Start a Preservation Project

A guide on beginning a project to save your local historic space or place.

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How to Apply for a Preservation Grant

A guide to setting the stage for your project to get preservation funding.

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Helpful Resources

Make Your Dream a Reality: A Community Group Guide to a Historic Preservation Project

Steps and how to start a preservation project written for community members

Publications of the National Register for Historic Places

Official publications relating to the National Register of Historic Places program, nomination process,etc.

Preserving African American Historic Places

Guidebook with resources for the preservation of African American Historic Places in the United States.

Preserving Black History Resource List

Collection of mapping projects, context statements, organizations, podcasts, and stories to share the different ways that Black History is being preserved and shared.

How to Fund Your Preservation Project

Tips and strategies for funding preservation projects.

How to Preserve African American Historic Places

Preservation tips and case studies showing the range of tools and processes for preserving African American Historic Places.

Preservation Tools

Expand your preservation power.

Explore a wide range of resources and tools designed to help aspiring and seasoned preservationists and activists move their projects and passions forward.