Preserving African American Schools in South Carolina

Preserving African American Schools


Learn More About Rosenwald schools, Equalization schools and HBCUs

Historic African American schools (including Rosenwalds, Equalization schools, and others) were not only sites of education – they were places of pride, mentorship, camaraderie, sports rivalries, and community gatherings. Alumni speak fondly of their schools, but due first to equalization and later integration, many of these schools fell into disrepair. Preserving the heritage of African American schools also preserves a historic moment in time.
Within this Schools topic page you will find resources curated from across the SC Preservation Toolkit related specifically to preserving African American Schools, such as Rosenwald Schools and SC Equalization Schools. Whether you are new to this work or a long-time advocate, this page’s blog posts on school preservation projects, related How-To Guides, helpful resource links, and relevant Tools will help you be successful in preserving your local African American school.

Knowledge Center

How To Guides

Explore a range of best practices, tips and tricks with our handy “how to” guides before you start your preservation project.

How to Acquire a State Historical Marker

A guide to the process of applying for, reviewing, and installing a State Historical Marker for your historic space.

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How to Apply for the National Register of Historic Places

A guide to the process of preparing for, researching, writing, and the review stages for getting your historic space listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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How to Start a Preservation Project

A guide on beginning a project to save your local historic space or place.

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How to Apply for a Preservation Grant

A guide to setting the stage for your project to get preservation funding.

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Helpful Resources

SC Equalization and Rosenwald Schools

List of all known schools, research on history and preservation of schools, helpful links to more information, support, and how-tos etc.

Equalization Schools: SC's History of Unequal Education

Digital exhibit on history of equalization schools in SC

NPS ITS 12: Rehabilitation and Adaptive Reuse of Schools

NPS bulletin – guide on Retention of Historic Character and Preservation of Distinctive Features, Finishes and Craftsmanship.

Preserving Rosenwald Schools

A free pdf resource guide to the preservation of Rosenwald SC.

How to Rehabilitate a Historic Rosenwald School

10 grassroots tips for rehabilitating a Rosenwald School in your community.

Historic Resource Study of African American Schools in the South, 1865-1900

A study examining the development of post-emancipation schools in the American South including a historical study and ten cases studies. Includes information on schools in South Carolina.

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